GameSpirit Arcade Club 2016 - 3ème édition

Au programme de cette soirée : L’ensemble des Bornes d'arcade et Flipper en accès ILLIMITE.
- Razing Storm
- JuBeat
- Sega Rally 3
- OutRun 2
- House of the Dead 4
- Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition 2012
- Street Fighter 3 : Third Strike
- Super Street Fighter 2X
- Street of Fighter Zero 3
- Giga Wing
- Rock Man 2 : The Power Fighters
- Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes
- Ring of Destruction : Slam Masters II
- Super Puzzle Fighter 2x
- Hyper Street Fighter 2 : The Anniversary
- Street Fighter Alpha: Warrior's Dreams
- Street Fighter Zero 2
- Street Fighter Alpha 3
- Vampire Savior: the lord of vampire
- Dark Stalkers : the night warriors
- Night Warriors : darkstalker's revenge
- X-men : children of the atom
- X-men vs. street fighter
- Dungeons & dragons ii : shadow over mystara
- Dungeons & dragons : tower of doom
- Alien vs. predator
- Battle circuit
- Capcom VS SNK 2
- Windjammers
- Puzzle Bubble
- Karnov's Revenge
- The King of Fighters XIII Climax
- Dodonpachi
- DemonFront
- Tetris Grand Master
(Liste susceptible d'être modifiée)